I had Cub Scouts tonight and our amazing den leader, Gwen, asked if I would bring cookies for our "Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar" activity. (The boys got to examine fingerprints from several suspects to determine who stole the cookies - it was so much fun! Gwen is AMAZING). Before I get into the recipe, here's a picture of the delicious beauts. I'll be honest - these turned out WAY better than I was expecting them to. #thesecookiesaremynewbestfriend #ormaybemynewworstenemy

So I knew I had to make or buy cookies, but being the homebody that I have become this winter (we have had 7 snow days and multiple 2 hour delays - we have been BURIED in snow) I never made it to the store. I would've needed to buy chocolate chips to make my go-to-last-second-but-delicious cookies - Devil's Food Cake Mix Chocolate Chip cookies. I bought a bag of semisweet chocolate chips like a month ago to have on hand for this recipe, but of course I straight up ate the whole bag. #goals :) So without the chocolate chips I knew those cookies would be worthless. #honesty
I decided to look at some of the cookie recipes I had on
my pinterest board and see what my options were. I came across
this delicious looking recipe for Texas Sheet cake cookies from Cookies and Cups and had almost all the ingredients, but not all that I needed. Which was sad, because they looked amaze. Then I realized, I
did have all the ingredients to make the devil's food cookies (minus the chocolate chips of course) and all the ingredients to make the frosting from the Texas sheet cake cookie recipe. So I combined them! And like I said, amaze.
My little cutie girl helped me make these and her and I are now a LITTLE obsessed with them. She couldn't stop begging for them all afternoon and I couldn't stop sneaking them when she wasn't looking.
For years I've always used a recipe my mom gave me for Devil's Food Cake Mix cookies, that I'm pretty sure she got off the back of a cake mix box. I haven't been able to find the hard copy of that recipe for FOREVER so I've been looking to
this recipe at Fun With the Fullwoods when I've been making these the past few years. It's identical to the one my mom always uses. Even though the ingredient list is so small, I still don't have this recipe memorized! #aintnevergonnahappen #becauseme
Makes 25 cookies
For the Cookies:
Devil's Food cake mix
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
For the Frosting:
1/2 cup butter
2 tbsp. cocoa powder
3 tbsp. milk
2 cups powdered sugar
Mix the cake mix, vegetable oil and eggs together thoroughly, then, using a small cookie scoop, place the dough in balls on your Silpat (LOVE mine!) or on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for 12-14 minutes. It's definitely better to err on the side of underdone, because you can always throw them back in the oven for longer if needed! While the cookies are baking, use a small saucepan to whip up your frosting! Over medium heat, combine butter, cocoa powder and milk. After combined and stirred together well, remove from heat and add your powdered sugar. Mix it well and you're done! Drizzle that delicious frosting all over your cookies! Enjoy, and gain 5 pounds. You're welcome! :)
The cookies were a big hit with the scouts. And my kids. And me. And thank goodness they're gone. :) Hope you love these as much as we do!