Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Songs I Love: "With Him We Can"

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Mercy River is my FAV! Like favorite, favorite, favorite. Their music inspires and uplifts me, energizes me, helps me be a happier and calmer mom, teaches me about the Atonement, brings the Spirit more fully into my life and brings me closer to the Savior. Pretty great, right?
My babe and I at a Mercy River concert a few years back. My children probably know Mercy River's music as well as I do. :)

Here are a few lyrics of just one of the many songs that I love by Mercy River, "With Him We Can". (short preview of song here. full song lyrics here)
"The Living Water is a cleansing rain
 For each of us
He knows that everyone falls down
He's reaching His hands
 To lift up and strengthen us all now
He helps us stand
Higher than we ever knew how
Through things that we can't do alone
So we'll know that with Him we can"
When I listen to this song I think of peace, repentence, joy, my Savior. I think of how good it feels to leave behind a choice or mistake I made in the past, after I've made it right through the help of my Savior. I think of the peace He gives me and the hope I feel through His atoning sacrifice.
Just a few more lyrics that I love...
"And when we let Him guide us
To where we should be
The peace inside us is as warm as spring
And we can feel His love encircling each of us"

Oh how true these words are! I couldn't be more grateful for my Savior, and I love that through a song that teaches His truths, I can feel even closer to Him! Music is powerful, both in harmful and helpful ways. Extremely powerful. I choose the music that lifts and inspires me and brings me closer to God. There are so many artists and groups who share their beautiful talent of music in such uplifting ways. Mercy River, Hudson Lights, Laura Story, Michelle Tumes, Jericho Road, Jenny Phillips, Meredith Andrews...and there are so many more. Their music helps me be who I know I should be, and I'm grateful to them for sharing their amazing work. :)